Wednesday, December 5, 2018

GeoVision Campaign

Dear Geology/Geography alumni,

In this holiday season, we hope you and yours are well and prosperous.

I write to you about a new initiative from the GEOS Department External Advisory Board. This is the group that started in 2006 and transformed our department to include a PhD program, endowed chair, and over $1M in PhD Fellowship support.

Over the years, our alumni have given generously to endow Foundation accounts that bear familiar names to some of us: Kern Jackson, Walt Manger, Doy Zachry, and others. Endowed Foundation accounts have the funds invested and generate annual spending income. Taken together, our endowed Foundation accounts generate enough funds to 1) support Geology Field Camp scholarships for all UA undergraduate Geology majors who take this required course,  2) support two PhD students, and 3) award scholarships to our 12 Geology MS teaching assistants to make their annual income competitive with peer institutions.

While previous and continuing Donors have changed the lives of hundreds of Geoscience students, these contributions usually place restrictions on Foundation gifts that reflect the Donor’s passions. But, taken cumulatively, these restrictions leave parts of our student body stranded without opportunity for scholarship support, including our six MS Geography teaching assistants, a large group of MS students who are not teaching assistants, and undergraduates who are high-performing and/or in financial need. These are the students who need our help.

To address this issue, the Board has initiated the GeoVision campaign to build an endowed Foundation account for unrestricted student support. This has unanimous support of the Board members and Geosciences faculty. Both groups have already contributed to GeoVision so the account is up and running. This means that any size contribution -- $20, $50, etc. – can go to the endowed account to build up resources for all our students.

In 2019, I will be traveling to spread the word about GeoVision, but we wanted to get this opportunity in front of our alumni before the end of 2018. If you choose to support our fabulous Geoscience students in this way, a contribution can be made by check to the address below (write  GeoVision in the subject line). Credit card options are also available, please call for details.

Melody Kouchehbagh
UA Fulbright College Development
1 University of Arkansas, 525 Old Main
Fayetteville, AR 72701

A GeoVision donation is tax-deductible, qualifies for employer Gift Matching programs, and will grow in the years ahead as an endowed account, allowing the Geosciences department to better support all of our students.

Thank you in advance for considering this request and happy holidays.

Chris Liner

Prof. Christopher L. Liner 
Department of Geosciences Chairman
Storm Endowed Chair of Petroleum Geology
University of Arkansas

LinkedIn response to this alumni note (12/7/2018)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Enrollment Update 2018

All plots represent Fall Semester enrollment data from UA Institutional Research and Assessment

Total enrollment history. Both undergraduate and graduate numbers are sill dropping, largely because of an ongoing oil price bust in 2015 that strongly affected geology enrollments.

Degrees awarded are steady, but this is a 4+ year lagging indicator of enrollment.

Undergraduate student history and breakdown. BS Geology is down 24% from 2015 high, and BA Geography is down over 40% on the same period. Meanwhile the BS Earth Science degree is growing rapidly, up 200% since 2015. 
Graduate student history and breakdown. Geoscience PhD students have flattened out at 18, underpinned by 9 hard-funded teaching assistant (TA) slots and supplemented by 9 research assistant (RA) positions. Conversion of Geography MA degree to MS is almost complete (MA Geography degree is discontinued). Geology MS continues to be impacted by slow hiring in the oil and gas sector following the price collapse of 2015-6 and industry rotation to unconventional resource plays that are driven more by data analytics and less by geoscience. 

Geology field camp enrollment history. Perhaps the tide has turned on Geology Field Camp. Non-UA students increased by over 50% from 2017. Special thanks to UA Chancellor Joe Steinmetz who worked to get in-state tuition for all Field Camp participants starting with summer 2018.

Friday, August 31, 2018

GEOS Colloquium

You should be able to scroll U/D and L/R to see everything. Yellow highlight dates are open. As we fill slots, this site will stay up to date.

Final colloquium schedule will be posted before the beginning of each semester at


Process notes from Jo Ann Kvamme (4/27/18):

  1. Speakers are solicited from the Geosciences Faculty
  2. one slot each semester is reserved for a speaker sponsored by the GEOS External Advisory Board
  3. Suggestions for speakers are solicited from the Geosciences Faculty
    1. Off campus speaker expenses are generally covered by the inviting faculty member
    2. If a speaker requires Department funds, prior approval from GEOS Chair is required.
  4. Society sponsored speakers (AAPG, AWG, AAG, AGU, etc)
    1. Expenses are generally mostly covered by the organization with some expenses paid by the department – all department expenses require prior GEOS Chair approval
  5. All suggested speakers are considered, prioritized and contacted about participation (in the event the slots for the semester are full I ask if we want to place the speaker on a “potential speaker” for the next semester or can set a date for the next semester).

It is best if we can fill the lectures for the semester the previous semester.  I keep a running calendar (now live above) so we can also place suggestion speakers and dates for two semesters out.

Scheduling priority:

  1. Sponsored speakers are usually locked in first since these must be booked early
  2. Faculty bringing speakers to campus (we try to accommodate speakers who are visiting – however this is not always possibly depending on the speakers previously booked.)
  3. Faculty on Campus (we try to have campus faculty (or those not needing a hotel room] on football, BBB weekends since hotels may be hard to find and require multiple night stay)
  4. We try to insure there is something for everyone in the department with a variety of subject matter

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

MS Geology Course Tracks

Geochemistry/Petrology Track:      see Drs. Suarez/Potra
Geoinformatics Track:                      see Dr. Aly
Hydrogeology Track:                        see Dr. Hays
Petroleum Track:                               see Drs. Sharman /Liner

Petroleum Track Detail
         GEOS 510V(3) Dyn of Sed Transport (alt yrs, 19, 21)
         GEOS 5283       Economic Geology (alt yrs, 19, 21)
         GEOS 5393       Math Modeling Geol Proc (alt yrs, 19, 21)
         GEOS 5433       The Solid Earth (alt yrs, 18, 20)
         GEOS 5563       Tectonics 
         GEOS 5723       Petroleum Geophysics (alt yrs, 18, 20)
         GEOS 5743       Petroleum Geology
         GEOS 5143       3D Seismic Exploration (alt yrs, 18, 20)
         GEOS 510V(3)  Imperial Barrel Award (limit 5 students)
         GEOS 5423       Remote Sensing of Nat Res (alt yrs, 18, 20)
         GEOS 510V(3) Advanced Strat and Sedimentation
         GEOS 510V(3) Subsurface Geological Mapping
         GEOS 5123       Stratigraphic Principles
         GEOS 5223       Sedimentary Petrology
Petrology/Geochemistry Track Detail
         GEOS 5663 Low Temperature Geochemistry of Natural Waters
         GEOS 5283 Economic Geology 
         BIOL 5933 Global Biogeochemistry: Elemental Cycles and Environmental Change
         GEOS 5863/ANTH 5863 Quantitative Techniques in Geosciences
         GEOS 5853 Environmental Isotope Geochemistry
         GEOS 5273 Introduction to Geochemistry
         GEOS 5223 Sedimentary Petrology 
Support links
     1. GEOS Faculty contact info can be found here
     2. GEOS course descriptions can be found here

Thursday, July 19, 2018

GEOS Research Funding (fiscal 2018)

Data from UA Research Office

Grant proposals submitted

Grant proposals awarded
Sponsor breakdown for awarded proposals

Thursday, June 14, 2018

GEOS P&T Timeline (approx.)

The P&T process has the following important dates (which can vary a bit year to year):
  1. Apr 15 - P&T candidate ('candidate') provides GEOS personnel committee with list of external reviewers (details below)
  2. May 10
    1. GEOS Chair ('Chair') informs Dean's office (Donna Draper) of faculty who are going up for P&T
    2. Final list of external reviewers from personnel committee due to Chair
  3. Jun 8 - Invitation emails (no attachment) from Chair to external reviewers
  4. Jul 1 - Sharepoint access open for candidate
  5. Aug 1 - Current CV and Research Statement from candidate due to Chair
  6. Aug 10
    1. Sharepoint deadline for complete candidate dossier
    2. Full invitation email from Chair to external reviewers
      1. Template letter provided by Dean's office, candidate CV and Research Statement are attached
  7. Aug 11 - Sharepoint access changes to 'read only' for candidate
  8. Sep 4 - Sharepoint access open for personnel committee
  9. Sep 10 - Deadline for external review letters to be received by Chair
  10. Sep 11 - Sharepoint access open for GEOS tenured faculty
  11. Oct 1 - Last day for candidate to receive redacted copy of external review letters prior to unit committee review 
  12. Oct 8 - Deadline for candidate to respond in writing to redacted external reference letters (optional)
  13. Oct 16 - Deadline for all department letters of rationale to candidate and Sharepoint
    1. Includes personnel committee letter with vote, tenured faculty letter with vote, Chair letter
    2. Sharepoint Department access changes to 'read only'
    3. Dean's office receives hardcopy of fully-completed original promotion forms, tenure forms, appointments to distinguished/university professor forms (with recommendations, numeric votes recorded, signatures of chairs of committees, and departmental chair’s signature recorded) to the dean’s office.  Please do not bind or staple these materials.   No other paper copies other than official P&T nomination forms are needed.
  14. Nov 7 - College personnel committee recommendation letter to Dean
  15. Nov 9 - Dean recommendation letter to candidate and Chair
  16. Nov 16 - Deadline for candidate to appeal unsatisfactory recommendation
  17. Nov 26 - College personnel committee chair sends final recommendation on appeal to Dean
  18. Nov 27 - Dean sends appeal decision to candidate with copy to department Chair
  19. Dec 3 - Last day for candidate to request in writing that P&T materials be withdrawn from Dean's office
  20. Dec 7 - Dean recommendation letter to Provost
  21. Jan 25 - Provost recommendation letter to candidate
  22. Mar 29 - Candidate considered by Board of Trustees and System President
  23. Mar 30 - Chancellor letter to candidate with final decision

Promotion and Tenure External Reviewer Information
  1.  Candidates are not allowed to contact potential reviewers
  2. Candidates supply 8-10 names for suggested external reviewers to GEOS personnel committee
    1. Including name, affiliation, rank, email and physical address and phone
    2.  External reviewers should be from a U of A peer institution (or higher) in the Carnegie rankings (web site)
    3. 3 external review letters required, 4 or 5 preferred
    4. External reviewers of full Professor rank are strongly preferred
    5. The letters are supposed to be objective and independent evaluations. So, no coauthors or collaborators, no research mentors, no former advisors or students, and no one you have visited within the last 5 years
    6. Sticking with this guidance should avoid any conflict of interest about external review letters
    7. Personnel committee coordinates with candidate to achieve final list
    8. Deadline to GEOS Chair is Apr 15