GEOS 4-year course plan
The figure below captures what we teach in a graphical form. Faculty initials are in ach class box, except the orange -filled boxes taught by instructors. Such a graphic will help students understand multi-year course offerings, faculty plan alternate year courses (such as mine shown projected forward) and course coverage for sabbatical leaves and faculty hires. Alumni and advisory board members may also want a quick, yet comprehensive, way to understand what we teach.
Information through Fall 2016 comes from the UArk schedule of classes (web site). Course descriptions can be found online (undergraduate, graduate). Degree requirements and 4-yr worksheets can be found here.
Any comments and errors of fact or omission are welcome to
Current status of the 4-yr plan is the image below. Maybe too small to read in a browser, but you can right-click to download the full resolution image.